welcome to the
Kentucky Black Hereford Association
Supporting the best of the breed, in Kentucky and our Neighboring States
The History and Future of Black Herefords
New cattle breeds don’t come around often, but when they do, the first question that will be asked is “what value does the breed offer to an already competitive beef genetics environment?”
In 2003, after several attempts, Joe Hoagland received an international breed designation, officially establishing Black Herefords as a distinct breed.
Our Mission

The Basics
The Kentucky Black Hereford Association, like the American Black Hereford Association, promotes the breed, provides education to the community and provides ranches in Kentucky and neighboring states a central place for sales of animals, embryos and semen.

Join the Kentucky Black Hereford Association and meet other Kentucky Black Hereford farms and ranches. We are expanding to include our neighbors in other states.

The primary purpose of the American Black Hereford Association is maintain and promote the Black Hereford herdbook.

Our Board
Our Board of Directors is responsible for the overall direction of the association. Contact any board member for more information about our goals.